2020 lost year, plans postponed
We had planned our long walk last year but in March as we planned our training buildup for midsummer, our normal frenzied jet setting twenty first century world started shutting down.
The daily and weekly commutes, the motorway jams that our long walk was going to replace for just one symbolic commute back home, were themselves replaced by what felt like a creeping house arrest.
As the gloom descended on all our social lives, we were rescued by our distance from London and the fields and hedgerows of the East Anglain Heights as they burst into life bathed in one of the sunniest Springs on record.
The pages below chart our daily escapes up the hills or across the fields over 13 weeks from the Spring Equinox to the Summer solstice when we emerged into what we vainly dreamed would be the other side, but which turned down into the most gloomy winter since the blackouts and three day weeks when I was a boy.