Yesterday, April 25th St Mark’s day, I did another training walk stretching my legs up onto the chalk along the old roman road that ran from Cambridge to what was the old british capital occupied by the romans before the founded Londinium. Luckily the relative demise of Colchester means what was a major highway is now a beautiful green way encasing rare habitats lost elsewhere.
The Old Roman Street from Colchester (CAMVLODVNVM) to Cambridge (DVROLIPONTE) just over the horizon
The mud under my feet is dry now as the Spring sunshine and lack of April showers have cracked the surface into crazed pieces. When reached the water tower above Linton I was surprised to find an artifical stream, presumably of treated drinking water, leaking all the way down my path into Lin town making the path muddy and slippery and water for animals and birds.
I followed the Linton tributary of the Cam back down towards Cambridge and as I passed the sewage works I was surprised to see that, as well as the fresh water leak running down the valley to the river, the sewage outflow was making its own contribution on this fine sunny day.
I must find out why.